Cannabis Male Fertility

2019 is arguably the year of cannabis. As more and more states have voted to legalize its use, it is easy to give the product a second look. Are the benefits as great as many claim? Will using it enhance your life? Like anything else, an individual should do careful research before jumping on board with up and coming health trends.

Can cannabis affect male fertility?

While many people are now using cannabis in their daily lives, one of the main groups of people using cannabis are males of reproductive age. For these individuals, there may be a risk associated with cannabis use that has the potential to be life-altering — and that is reduced fertility. About one in 7 couples (15%) have infertility, difficulties getting pregnant, which affects approximately 7 million men and women in the United States and at least 50 million worldwide. Most people tend to think of infertility as a struggle on the woman’s end, but studies show that there is a male sperm problem in about 50% of infertile couples, and in about 1/2 of these cases the problem is found in the man alone.

That being said, men of reproductive age using cannabis could potentially be contributing to infertility problems if they and their partner are trying to conceive (TTC). A recent study has found that cannabis may contribute to reduced sperm count and concentration in male subjects. Not only is there a reduced amount, but of the amount that is present, there may be reduced viability for what remains.

More research is needed both in the field and on the part of the user to determine whether or not to participate in regular cannabis use. If you are a male of reproductive age and concerned about your fertility, it’s important to approach this issue with caution. This list of tips on how to increase your sperm count naturally can provide safe and attainable options.

It’s important to note that cannabis use may hold risks for groups beyond males of reproductive age, specifically for pregnant women. Scientific evidence shows that it increases certain adverse pregnancy complications such as premature labor, small babies, and placental abruption.

Read More:
Smoking and Pregnancy
How Alcohol Affects Pregnancy
Male Impact of Alcohol Use During Pregnancy