This here is a list of expressions spoken by home birth midwives

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  • "Home births are safer than hospital births"
  • "All our home birth Apgar scores have been a perfect 10"
  • "Shoulder dystocia never happens at a home birth"
  • "Having a 10 lb baby is not a problem"
  • "It is OK to push for over 4-5 hours"
  • "As a professional midwife I am very qualifield to resuscitate a newborn baby"
  • "Healthy babies have a diving reflex which causes the infant to hold breath when under water."
  • "I have done 35 deliveries, that is enough experience"
  • "Cord prolapse only happens in the hospital"
  • "We can get you to the hospital in time  for a cesarean"
  • "Having your first baby at home is really safe"
  • "VBACs in home births are never a problem"
  • "Epidurals can kill you"
  • "Epidurals have a negative effect on the baby"
  • "Too much pain is not a problem"
  • "Babies born under water do better"
  • "Eating placenta is recommended"
  • "Fetal monitoring in labor does not help"
  • "Breathing difficulties are often caused by cesarean section and/or anesthesia"
  • "There is less likelihood of infection when the baby is with the mother than the in newborn nursery."
  • "The baby’s experience at birth is considered important and made as gentle as possible."
  • "The baby is not separated from the mother"
  • "Breastfeeding is easier to establish when the baby can nurse on demand and is not given bottles"
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