The 3 PeriConception Steps to a Healthy Pregnancy


Obie Editorial Team

Step 1: Over 3 Months Before Pregnancy

  • Begin by Completing the PeriConception Interview
  • Make sure you check both your reproductive and general health
  • Identify a trusted obstetrician or a maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) specialist early on. It's crucial to build your support team sooner rather than later!
  • Evaluate your occupational history to identify any occupational hazards.
  • Consider vital examinations and these essential tests:
  • Sperm analysis for assessing male fertility
  • Conduct vaginal and cervical smear examinations to screen for sexually transmitted infections or disorders.
  • Complete blood tests to check for rubella immunity, anemia, HIV, and expand into genetic screening for autosomal and X-linked recessive conditions, including current predictive gene tests. Ensure screening for prior exposure to infections such as toxoplasma, cytomegalovirus, parvovirus, and herpes.
  • Undertake any additional tests as required by your physician
  • If necessary, get immunized against rubella to bolster your defenses.
  • Initiate daily multivitamin intake, emphasizing folic acid supplementation to guard against neural tube defects!
  • Adopt a nourishing diet and incorporate moderate exercise into your routine. Encourage your partner to join and create mutual support!
  • Remind him to avoid hazards and maintain a “cool” temperature for optimal testicular health.

Step 2: Within the 0-3 Months Leading to Pregnancy

  • Work towards achieving an optimal Body Mass Index (BMI).
  • Be vigilant in avoiding both active and passive smoking, steer clear of alcohol, and avoid unnecessary medications. Limit your coffee intake to 1-2 cups daily.
  • Monitor your menstrual cycle and basal body temperatures diligently to identify any hormonal imbalances and precisely determine the optimal time for conception, ideally 2-3 days prior and on the day of ovulation.
  • Continue with multivitamin and folic acid supplementation.
  • Schedule a visit to your dentist to ensure your dental health is in prime condition.
  • Maintain steady physical activity to support your health and relieve stress.

Step 3: As Early Pregnancy Begins

  • Alert your doctor for any required examinations and treatments.
  • Confirm your pregnancy early with your doctor; hCG blood tests can be utilized if necessary for confirmation.
  • Shift to postconceptional multivitamin supplementation.
  • Continue to avoid teratogenic substances and other potential risks diligently.
  • Arrange an early ultrasound to verify and evaluate the progression of your pregnancy.

Remember, this journey is a powerful step in nurturing new life both physically and emotionally. Leveraging these guidelines, you can pave the way for a healthy and thriving pregnancy. Trust in your body's remarkable capabilities and embrace the support of healthcare professionals along the way.