Hypopituitarism treatment during pregnancy is important to the neonatal health, according to a new study published in the journal Thyroid. Researchers from the Pediatrics Department at the University of Maryland authored the study. Information was based on an individual case of pregnancy in a patient with hypopituitarism.
According to researchers, the patient’s
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels recorded low in the 2nd trimester so her dose of Levothyroxine was lowered accordingly. The patient had a history of central hypothyroidism and growth hormone deficiency. She gave birth to a normal weight male infant at term.
Testing on the infant revealed central hypothyroidism and low T4. The patient was treated, but was later diagnosed with speech delay, hearing loss and gross motor delay thought to be associated with low T4 levels during the latter half of the pregnancy.
Conclusion: Pregnant patients with hypopituitarism need to be watched carefully during pregnancy. Proper screening and treatment throughout pregnancy may be needed to prevent vertical transmission of hypopituitarism and long-term side effects of low T4 levels during pregnancy.
Source: Pine-Twaddell ED, Romero CJ, Radovick S. Vertical Transmission of Hypopituitarism: Critical Importance of Appropriate Interpretation of Thyroid Function Tests and Levothyroxine Therapy During Pregnancy. Thyroid. 2013 Feb 11.