A study recently published in the journal Human Reproduction addresses the viability of pre-screening women with a history of recurrent miscarriage with no known cause for high uterine killer cells. A total of 160 women were pre-screened for the trial. Women with high uterine killer cells were invited to participate in the randomized study when they were four to six weeks pregnant. Women who returned for the study were placed in one of four groups – 20 mg prednisone for six weeks, 10 mg prednisone for 1 week, 5 mg prednisone for 1 week or placebo.

Forty women returned for the active portion of the study when pregnant. Twelve of the 20 women given prednisone achieved a live birth. Eight of the 20 women receiving the placebo achieved a live birth. Researchers noted the 60% to 40% live birth rates were not significant. Inconsistencies in medication start date may have altered outcome in the prednisone group.

Source: Tang AW, Alfirevic Z, Turner MA, Drury JA, Small R, Quenby S. A feasibility trial of screening women with idiopathic recurrent miscarriage for high uterine natural killer cell density and randomizing to prednisolone or placebo when pregnant. Hum Reprod. 2013 Apr 12.