The Dr. Ruth and Dr. Amos Book

Pregnancy News

Obie Editorial Team

It's wonderful that women have their own doctors with whom they have a very intimate relationship, their gynecologists, but not every woman feels entirely relaxed when undergoing this exam, nor feels that the overall experience was completely satisfactory in terms of getting the answers she seeks from her doctor.

To address these issues, I'm going to write a book with a good friend of mine who is a noted gynecologist, Dr. Amos Grunebaum, titled: "Taking Control of Your Visit to the Ob-Gyn".

Since the purpose of this book is to address the questions that women at every stage in life might have - before, during and after their gynecological exam - it would be very helpful to know what questions you might want us to answer. And so we've designed a survey that I'm asking all you women to please take. It won't take you long and your answers will be invaluable in guiding us to write a book that will contain the most useful information for our readers. So please click on the link below and spend less than five minutes giving us your anonymous answers regarding your experiences "in the stirrups."

For those who have completed the survey, we will do a regular random drawing for a FREE book from Dr. Ruth Westheimer.
If you choose to be included into this drawing please enter your email address at the end of the survey (not required).
We will contact you if you are a winner.

Dr. Ruth Westheimer

Enter the the survey HERE.