Benefits and UsesThe easy seat pose is a soft, comfortable seated position used during yoga and meditation practices; you can use this pose any time you would like to relax and take a few moments to breathe. Sit in the pose for as long as you like and use it as its own meditation practice, or with a series of
yoga postures.
Sit on your mat with a blanket or cushion under the very back part of your buttocks, so that your hips are slightly elevated, accentuating the natural forward tilt of the pelvis. Bend your knees and bring your feet to your groin area, one foot in front of the other (it doesn’t matter which is in front). The slight elevation of your hips will also help your knees fall closer to the floor, but feel free to sit up on more cushions if they are far from the floor and cause you strain to keep them elevated. Bring your hands together creating a bowl-like formation with your thumbs touching, or rest your hands on your thighs, whichever is more comfortable. Keep your spine straight and tall but relax your shoulders away from your ears. Close your eyes and breathe. Soothing music, nature sounds, or a guided meditation podcast may also help with relaxation process.
- Breath: Ujjayi and dirgha breath are both excellent practices to help relax your mind during this pose. Try counting even inhalations and exhalations in addition to the ocean-sound of the smooth ujjayi breath, and the three-parts of the dirgha breath. Counting can act as a kind of mantra to help release the mind from its thoughts, as can repeating a phrase like, “inhaling I create space, exhaling I relax,” to the pattern of your breath. Imagine your inhales expanding and moving through your whole body, as your exhales carry out any stagnancy and relax the space they left behind. Picture your body relaxing with the ebb and flow of the tides, wind, or any other imagery that helps to find ease.
- Modifications: While the purpose of the pose is to be rather effortless, there are a few modifications that may help you to have more ease in the pose during pregnancy. You may feel strain in your back from sitting up tall, as the weight of your belly increases. Sit against a wall with a straight back or in a chair if this is more comfortable. You may also increase the number of cushions, either under your buttocks or thighs in order to relax through the pelvis and hips.
- Release: Slowly come out of this pose by breathing deeply into the body to wake it up. Mentally wake up the parts of your body and mind by sending breath and subtle movements to them. When you are ready, open your eyes and move on to the next pose.