Being pregnant does not mean you have to sit around the house all the
time. Before heading out the door in the morning, it is important to put
some good food in that tummy so baby can continue growing healthy and strong. Strawberries are a delightful treat in this frozen morning breakfast to go.

16 ounces strawberry yogurt
2 cups strawberries, stemmed and chopped
1 tsp grated orange zest

  1. Place 16 ounces of strawberry yogurt in a bowl.
  2. Mix yogurt if fruit on the bottom variety is chosen.
  3. Add fresh strawberries and orange zest.
  4. Coat ice cube trays lightly with non-stick spray.
  5. Spoon mixture into ice cube trays.
  6. Place a sheet of wax paper over ice cube tray and tape in place.
  7. Stick tooth picks into each of the ice cube sections.
  8. Freeze for three to four hours or until solid.

Nutritional Benefits: Vitamin C, Calcium

Category: Breakfast, Lunch, Snack

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