Your baby will be particularly sensitive to most things when you bring him home for the first time. You’ll need to protect him from the sun, keep him from certain chemicals and limit his contact with illnesses or viruses. The newborn baby’s body has not yet developed the strong immune system that adults have, so even the most minor situations can post major threats. In addition to their delicate systems, newborn babies are also at risk for complications and discomfort because you don’t yet know what they might be allergic to. If your newborn baby is
allergic to any type of fabric, material or environmental allergen, you won’t know it until symptoms have already arisen.
There are many allergens that might cause a reaction in your newborn baby. Dust mites are a popular one, and it’s important that you clean your home incessantly before baby comes home for the first time. If you’re too tired to do the cleaning yourself, you should even consider hiring a professional cleaner to do take care of it for you. Other common causes include pet dander, pollen and mold. Each of the usual causes can be minimized with cleanliness and the carful management of your home’s tidiness. Many infants are even allergic to the down or wool bedding you’ve provided them with.
Your baby might seem especially stuffy if he is allergic to anything in your house. He might also develop a rash or other dangerous skin conditions. If he seems stuffy for a week or so, you’ll probably assume it’s a cold. However, if it lasts longer than that, you should take him to see a doctor because your baby probably has allergies. Once the doctor has checked out your baby, he or she will recommend a plan of action to determine the exact cause. It might take days of trial and error, but eventually the culprit will be isolated. After that, you can limit your baby’s exposure and help him live a normal life afterwards.
Of all the possible
complications baby could be born with, allergies are not so bad. While they might be inconvenient, they won’t necessarily interfere with a normal childhood, and they are treatable for the most part. Talk to your doctor if you think your baby might be allergic to something. Even before you see a doctor, you could try isolating objects and monitoring symptoms on your own.
Source: Virginie Doyen et al: Relationship Between The Presence Of Newborn And The House Dust Endotoxin. Science of the Total Environment. Volume 409 Issue 24 pp. 5313-5317 November 2011