3 Things You Want to Save During and After Pregnancy

Obie Editorial Team

I was diligent my first pregnancy. I kept every note from the doctor, every appointment card and every small snippet of medical information given to me about my pregnancy and my fetus. That baby book resembled a Tolstoy novel by the time I gave birth. The second time around I was a little less diligent. I had a baby in diapers and I was too tired to keep everything. By the third pregnancy I kept nothing – not even a baby book of milestones for the twins after they were born, but I did manage to keep three things from all my pregnancies and those are the five things I hold most dear to my heart. 

The First Ultrasound
With all my children I kept the first ultrasound picture. I laminated the picture so it would never discolor or fray. With my twins I have about 30 pictures all in an album showing the growth progress from six weeks to 32 weeks – they are amazing. 

The Last Pregnancy Picture
Before being admitted for my C-sections I asked my husband to take one last picture of me outside of the hospital. Those pictures are the last ones I have from each pregnancy with baby inside my womb. I look back at those pictures and giggle at the fact that that tummy deflated a few hours later and a new life was born. 

The Hospitalization Bracelets
I kept my hospital bracelet and the bracelets for my three baby girls and one baby boy. Then bracelets are framed with the first pictures I took with my children after birth. 

These three items are some of the most precious things I own. My children are my life and though I do look back at old pictures of them as babies and my attempts at baby books through the years, I always go back to those three things for the brightest of memories.