The announcement that Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon would be having a child was enough for Hollywood, but it seems the couple may be hiding something more. During a recent interview, Mariah Carey referred to the pregnancy with the word “they”. Instantly the world perked up and asked, “Is she having twins?” Mariah and Nick have not denied the twin rumor but they have stated they are not talking about how many babies Mariah is carrying.

The interview was being held with Radio Disney. Mariah stated that she was singing holiday songs to her belly all the time then went on to joke that she hoped “they” would not come out hating Christmas music.

Mariah Carey was recently photographed at Rockefeller center wearing a stylish cover up that showed just enough to verify pregnancy but not enough to support the rumor of twins. Other celebrities who have given birth to twins include Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez and Julia Roberts.

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