Fertility is at the heart of reproduction, conception, pregnancy and parenthood, but many couples do not give fertility a passing thought until something goes wrong in the process. It is then that couples want to know when to work on fertility. The answer is often surprising. You should start working on fertility well before you start
trying to conceive.
Your BodyYour body is at the heart of your fertility. Fertility is controlled by
ovulation. If you do not ovulate regularly, optimal fertility is difficult to achieve. Simply put, if you ovulate regularly you can track your cycles and predict your most fertile time. Intercourse during your most fertile time increases the likelihood of conception. If you do not ovulate regularly or if you do not ovulate at all, fertility is impaired or pregnancy is impossible.
Couples who want to know when to work on fertility should start right now. Tracking menstruation is the best place to start. Menstruation is the simplest marker of fertility timing, though signs of ovulation more accurately predict optimal fertility. Mark the first day and last day of your menstrual period on the calendar and continue each month. Most menstrual cycles range from 28 to 32 days. Ovulation occurs between days 11 and 21 – your most fertile days.
Your MindThe idea of when to work on fertility may appear completely physical, but there are mental factors to take into consideration as well. Pregnancy does not happen immediately for some couples. If you go into trying to conceive with the expectation it will happen on the first try you may be setting yourself up for negative feelings that could affect your relationship and your menstrual cycle. Stress can cause delayed start of your menstrual period, anxiety and
erectile dysfunction. Work the fertility tracking system and let nature take its course. It is estimated that 60% of couples get pregnant within the first six months of trying to conceive. That number increases to 80% within the first year. Only 20% to 25% of couples conceive in the first month.
Your Medical Support TeamIf you have been trying to conceive for more than one year with no luck, it may be time to start looking for a medical support team to work through your fertility limitations and options. Your gynecologist can help on a basic level, including prescribing
birth control medication to get your menstrual cycle on track. If you have a regular menstrual cycle, a fertility doctor can order a series of preliminary tests to help you find the cause of your fertility problems.
Couples often wonder when to work on fertility and though the answer is simple – NOW – there are complications and issues for some couples that make it more difficult to conceive. Fertility is an intricate subject that involves your body, mind and medical attention, for some couples.