Researchers from the Preventative Medicine Department in Sao Paulo recently published a study in the journal
Contraception on the possible link between postpartum psychiatric disorders and choice of contraception. Researchers were looking for a link between less effective contraceptive choices and
psychiatric disorders.
The study included 831 women who had given birth at a public sector clinic in Sao Paulo. The women were followed for about 18 months after giving birth. By the end of the study period, 92% of the women were sexually active. Of these women about 39% chose less effective means of
contraception, but none of the women were diagnosed with a psychiatric condition. Women who chose to resume sexual activity more than three months after giving birth were more likely to choose a less effective means of contraception.
Conclusion: While no connection between psychiatric disorder and contraception choice was found researchers realized women who choose to delay resumption of sexual intercourse tend to choose less effective means of contraception.
Source: Faisal-Cury A, Menezes PR, Huang H. The relationship between perinatal psychiatric disorders and contraception use among postpartum women. Contraception. 2013 Feb 13. pii: S0010-7824(13)00047-4. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2013.02.003.