Stages of Labor

There are three stages of labor starting from the time of the beginning of contractions and cervical dilatation up to the delivery of the placenta:

The first stage of labor

The first stage of labor begins with regular contractions and is defined by cervical dilation up to the time the cervix is fully dilated, 10 cm dilated.

The first stage of labor is further divided into three phases:

  1. Latent Phase
  2. Active Phase
  3. Deceleration or Transition Phase

Latent phase of the first stage of labor: The latent phase begins when there are cervical dilation and contractions, and it ends when the active phase begins.

Active phase of the first stage of labor: The active phase begins when the cervix starts to dilate quicker, usually after 3-4 cm dilatation.

Transition or deceleration phase of the first stage of labor: The transition phase of labor usually begins at a cervical dilation of about 8 cm, and it ends at cervical dilatation of 10 cm when the cervix is fully dilated.

The second stage of labor

The second stage of labor begins when the cervix is 10 cm dilated or fully dilated, and it ends when the baby is born. It is during this stage that the mother is pushing and the baby descends through the birth canal. Crowning happens at the end of the second stage as the baby's head descends to the opening of the vagina and does not recede with contractions. The second stage of labor can normally last up to 3-4 hours.

The third stage of labor

The third stage of labor starts at the delivery of the baby and ends when the placenta is expelled. This stage normally lasts from several minutes up to 30-60 minutes. The baby cannot be born until it detaches itself from the uterine tissue inside mom. Mom will experience contractions as the placenta begins to detach itself and move out through the vagina. The first contractions mom will experience will detach the placenta and the final one will push the placenta all the way out. After the baby is born, the umbillical cord will be clamped and cut.

Read More:
Signs of Labor
Labor and Delivery Guide
Labor Contractions Counting Calculator

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