The official name of Duncan’s Disease is X-linked lymphoproliferative disease. The condition is caused by a malformation of the X chromosome, which means both male and female children can be affected. Specifically, the SH2D1A gene does not exist.

Children affected by Duncan’s Disease typically suffer from a compromised immune system. They are particularly sensitive to the Epstein Barr Virus (EPV). There are three main illnesses associated with Duncan’s Disease – glandular fever, lymphoma and low immunoglobulin levels. Patients can suffer from one or more of these conditions.

Treatment for Duncan’s Disease may include anti-retroviral medications and other symptomatic treatments. If the condition is not treated, children will typically pass on before the age of 10. There are more and more cases of Duncan’s Disease popping up in milder forms where children have lived past the age of 10 and well into adulthood.

The cause of Duncan’s Disease was not diagnosed until 1999 so doctors and researchers are still learning.