Breastfeeding Information and Resources
Obie Editorial Team
Breastfeeding is best for baby and it helps new moms bond with their newborns. Not every mom will have the perfect breastfeeding experience, but there are support groups that provide helpful information on breastfeeding techniques and forums to discuss breastfeeding problems and solutions.
La Leche League
La Leche League is an organization designed to support breastfeeding mothers. You can choose to become a member of La Leche League, but membership is not required to read helpful tips and educational articles on breastfeeding.
Got Mom
Got Mom was started by the American College of Nurse Midwives. The website is small, but it offers some important information on breastfeeding basics, confidence while breastfeeding and resources for the breastfeeding mom.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website dedicated to breastfeeding is packed with factual articles on every aspect of breastfeeding, including health benefits, research, data, statistics and important resource information. There is also a CDC contact number for moms who want more information.
United States Department of Agriculture
Another government resource for breastfeeding moms is the United States Department of Agriculture. This website is dedicated to the nutritional side of breastfeeding. The USDA publishes articles on breastfeeding diets, nutritional needs of breastfeeding moms and topical articles on breastfeeding versus bottle feeding.
Women’s Health
Women’s Health is another government website where peer counselors are available at no charge to answer breastfeeding questions. Information provided by Women’s Health includes topical articles on breastfeeding, tips about how to properly and effectively breastfeed and answers to common breastfeeding problems.
World Health Organization
The World Health Organization aims to provide women all over the world with helpful breastfeeding information. In underdeveloped nations, breastfeeding is the sole source of nutrition for babies, so learning how to successfully breastfeed is a matter of life and death. There is a question and answer section where commonly asked questions are answered.
Find a local support group
Moms can call local hospitals for more information on local breastfeeding support groups. Simply call the hospital and ask for the obstetrics floor. The answering nurse should have information, including phone numbers, for local groups and organizations.
Pediatricians are another great source of breastfeeding information and support. If your pediatrician does not have any information, feel free to contact other pediatricians in the area. Most will offer contact information for breastfeeding support to moms without being an active patient.
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