4th of July Beach Safety for Pregnant Women and New Moms


Obie Editorial Team

When the 4th of July rolls around, many couples look forward to hitting the beach for some sand, fireworks and fun. You may think having a new baby or being pregnant will put a hiccup in your beach vacation, but it doesn’t have to. You can have just as much fun with baby – either on the way or in the stroller – as you did before you took the job of motherhood. 

4th of July Pregnancy Safety

Beach fun means lots of time in the sun. When you’re pregnant you should spend less time in the open sun, but you don’t have to run back to the house and hold up while everyone else is enjoying the beach. Take a canopy or shade umbrella to the beach for protection from the sun. Many vacationers choose to set up a canopy with tables, coolers and chairs. The family can spend as much or as little time at the beach as they want without worrying about spending too much time in the sun.

4th of July Baby Safety

Having a new baby at the beach causes stress for some parents. New skin, small baby, extreme heat – this combination can be overwhelming; but there are safety measures parents can use to make the experience a bit more enjoyable. Just like the pregnant woman, set up a tent or umbrella. Protection from the sun is crucial, but so is keeping baby cool. If baby is sleeping soundly in a carrier, remove all covers and blankets. Rub baby-safe sunscreen on baby’s skin.

Food Safety and 4th of July Fun

It is best to eat before heading out to the beach and to pack your own snacks – if you will be enjoying the beach with a larger group of people. You don’t want to dissect every dish your friends bring and you don’t want to fear eating foods unsafe during pregnancy. If you are beach-going with family, bring snacks and drinks for you and all family members. Breastfeeding is simple while at the beach, but bottle feeding can be a little more difficult. Bring a small cooler with prepared formula or mix powdered formula with water as needed. If you use powdered formula, the air temperature water will likely be warm enough for baby.

There are lots of safety issues when you’re pregnant or with a new baby at the beach. The basic rules of beach fun are generally the same rules you need to follow in these cases too. Wear sunscreen, don’t stay out in the sun too long, eat snacks and drink lots of water, skip the alcohol (especially if pregnant or nursing) and have fun.