The following are maternal risks of a cesarean section:

  1. Injury to the bladder or bowel
  2. Increased bleeding, which may require a blood transfusion
  3. Infection in the incision
  4. Chorioamnionitis: Infection in the uterus
  5. Infection in other nearby organs
  6. Reactions to medications, including the drugs used for anesthesia
  7. Blood clots in the legs, pelvic organs or lungs
  8. A very small number of women who have c-sections die. Death is rare, but it is more likely with cesarean than with vaginal delivery.

If a woman who has had a cesarean section becomes pregnant again, she is at increased risk of:

  1. Placenta previa:  The placenta implants very low in the uterus. It covers all or part of the internal opening of the cervix (the birth canal).
  2.  Placenta accreta: The placenta implants too deeply and too firmly into the uterine wall.

Both of these conditions can lead to severe bleeding during labor and delivery, endangering mother and baby. The risk increases with the number of pregnancies.