10 Common Female Fertility Myths

Women hear all kinds of myths, misconceptions, and falsehoods about their fertility. It’s okay to joke about these myths, but heeding them can be anything from a waste of time to harmful. Learn ten of the most common female fertility myths out there.

Missionary or bust

For people who don’t understand the mechanics of conceiving, this myth about sexual position might hold some sway, but in reality, deep penetration and ejaculation will get a woman pregnant in any sexual position.

Lifting the legs

Like with the myth about sexual positions, there’s no truth to the myth that keeping your legs up for several minutes after sex will help the sperm find and fertilize any of your eggs. 

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Female orgasm is a requirement

While it’s true that a female orgasm will assist in conceiving by contracting the uterus, sperm can find their destination even if the female doesn’t orgasm.

Good health conquers age

Unfortunately for older women, no amount of good diet or exercise will counteract the natural aging of their eggs. The quality of eggs starts to drop off significantly after 35, regardless of a woman’s overall health.

Birth control pill delays

One myth suggests that after being on birth control pills, it will delay your ability to get pregnant. Fortunately, most users who go off the pill find that things revert to normal shortly, and of the women who want to get pregnant within the first year after stopping the pill, 4/5 of them do.

It’s her fault

For some reason, there’s an assumption that if a couple can’t get pregnant, the woman partner is usually to blame. In fact, the rate of infertility is actually about the same for both men and women.

Daily sex helps conceive faster

Frequent sex generally doesn’t hurt your chances of conceiving, but it doesn’t really help much either. Timing prior to and on the day of ovulation is more important, and even then, every other day is nearly as successful as every day.

You'll conceive immediately

Many people don’t realize that sperm can live in a woman’s reproductive tract for days after intercourse. That means fertilization could occur during ovulation, even if the woman had sex a few days earlier.

Stress causes infertility

Extreme stress that is interfering with daily life may be a problem, but typical work and home stress won’t hurt your chances of conceiving.

It's easier the second time

After getting pregnant once, there isn’t a guarantee that it will be any easier with subsequent attempts. In some unfortunate cases, it can actually cause infertility in mothers trying for second children.

For reliable and accurate information, it’s wisest to look to medical professionals who will work with you every step of the way.

Read More:
20 Fertility Myths That May Keep You From Getting Pregnant
Causes of Infertility in Women
Infertility Guide: Why Can't We Get Pregnant?