
You are getting the hang of this parenting thing, but you can’t forget your partner along the way. You have more than enough love for your partner and your baby, but you need to focus on what’s best for you sometimes to be the best mom and partner you can be. Remember to communicate your feelings with your partner, especially in matters of intimacy. If you’re not ready for intercourse just yet or you’re simply too tired for sex, cuddling and kissing are perfect sparks of intimacy.

You may also be feeling a little overwhelmed by parenting 24/7. Take a little time for yourself to simply escape and remember you are an individual as well as a new parent. Something as simple as grabbing a cup of coffee and sitting in a quiet place for an hour or two is enough to remind you there is life outside of the baby.

Your Baby’s Development

The neurological development of your baby is amazing. He is talking up a storm with an ever-changing vocabulary of sounds. His cries have also changed. He has a cry for hunger, pain, and frustration – and you are learning the difference. Reading to baby from birth is the perfect way to support language development. His attention span is shorter than an older child’s attention span, so watch his reactions. When he looks bored, stop reading for a while to give him a rest.

Though your baby may not be sleeping through the night just yet, he is sleeping for longer periods at a stretch. You can use this time to catch up on sleep or a few chores around the house.

Your Baby’s Food

Breastfed babies need nothing more than breast milk for four to six months after birth. As your baby grows, his intake will increase, but your breasts are up for the challenge. You may notice feeding spurts, from time to time when baby wants to eat more or more often. Your mammary glands will produce all the milk he needs

Your Baby’s Health Issues

Your baby doesn’t have another well-check visit scheduled until he is four months old, but if you notice a problem call your pediatrician for an appointment. Some symptoms to look out for include fever, refusal to eat, cough, vomiting or diarrhea. Infants cannot have a flu shot until six months old, so if he was born during flu season it is important to keep him away from anyone who may have the flu.


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