Anesthesia During Labor and Delivery

There are 4 types of anesthesia currently used in the laboring process. These include drugs, local anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, and epidural anesthesia. ... read more »

Epidural and Spinal Anesthesia During Labor

An epidural is the most popular choice among women during labor and delivery. It is delivered through a needle and catheter which usually stays in place until the baby is born. ... read more »

IV Oxytocin Often Not Needed During Normal Labor

Oxytocin is commonly given via IV during birth is progress is slow, but researchers reveal this extra boost of labor inducing hormone may not be needed in many cases ' when given during normal labor. ... read more »

Spinal Anesthesia

Spinals are pain medications delivered via the spinal column in one dose. The medication is fast acting and can achieve a complete block of pain in as little as 15 minutes. ... read more »

Epidural and Other Labor Anesthesia

An epidural anesthesia is also known as a 'regional' anesthesia because the pain relief is localized in the lower part of your body. But there are several other types of anesthesia in labor. ... read more »

Why You Could Need A Spinal Blog

Most women spend a lot of time deciding whether or not they want an epidural as pain medication during labor. It is a difficult decision to make. On the one hand, you want to have a natural childbirth without the interference of chemicals. On the other hand, you don’t want to be screaming in pain and missing out on the beauty of the process. ... read more »

Side Effects of Epidural Anesthesia

It’s relatively common knowledge that an epidural is an effective and popular method of pain relief for women who are in labor. The epidural is administered through a small catheter in the back, and the medication is pumped into the spinal membranes until the baby has been delivered successfully. ... read more »