OD/DD Day: 


Your uterus likely measures to the height of your rib cage, which could pose the first uncomfortable pregnancy symptom since morning sickness began. As the uterus grows upward, your lungs have less room to expand. This can cause shortness of breath. Keep in mind that when you feel short of breath, the baby is not affected. With the circulatory system working overtime, the fetus receives more than enough oxygen with each breath even when mom feels like she is not taking in enough oxygen.

pregnancy fetus week 27

Tips for this week

According to ACOG the American College of Ob-Gyn every pregnant woman should receive a Tdap, or Tetanus-Diptheria-Pertussis) immunization during each pregnancy, whether she has had the shot in the past or not. To maximize the maternal antibody response and passive antibody transfer and levels in the newborn, optimal timing for Tdap administration is between 27 weeks and 36 weeks of gestation, although Tdap may be given at any time during pregnancy. 

Learn More:
Pregnancy: Week 27
All 42 Weeks: Week by Week 

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Your Pregnancy Tips: Week 27