What Are The Odds of Ectopic Pregnancy?

Q: What are the odds of having an ectopic pregnancy? A: The odds of having an ectopic pregnancy, a pregnancy outside the uterus, will depend on many different factors. Here are your approximate odds of having an ectopic pregnancy: 1 in 7 if you had one ectopic before 1 in 2 if you had 2 ectopics before 1 in 5 if you get...

What Are The Odds Having A Placental Anomaly?

Q: What are my odds that I will have a placenta previa an accreta or another placental anomaly? A: Here are your chances: 1 in 20 patients have a placenta previa at 20 weeks 1 in 200 patients have a placenta previa at term So consequently 9 out of 10 who have a placenta previa at 20 weeks will NOT have it anymore at term [...

Pregnant and No Cramps or Spotting: Is That Normal?

Q: I have heard that many women have had cramps and spotting but I haven't had any yet. Do all pregnant women have spotting or cramps? Also, what if I start to get cramps and spotting? How will I know if it's normal? [mc3-3] A: No, the short answer is that spotting, cramps, or implantation bleeding are not necessary for a...

How Soon Can I Take a Pregnancy Test?

The urine pregnancy test (home pregnancy test or HPT) checks for the presence of the pregnancy hormone hCG in the urine. hCG is made by the implanting blastocyst and first appears in the maternal blood around implantation, on average 9 days (range: 6-12 days) after ovulation. Blood hCG levels then rise rapidly to reach a peak...

Toxoplasmosis Infection by Trimesters

Q: During which trimester is toxoplasmosis infection worse? A: The risk and severity of the baby’s infection will depend partly on the timing of the mother’s infection — that is, whether she was infected in the first, second, or third trimester of pregnancy. If the mother first becomes infected in the third trimester, the fetus...

What Is Toxoplasmosis?

Toxoplasmosis is an infection that is caused by contact with a microscopic parasitic organism called Toxoplasma gondii. When contracted by a pregnant woman, it can pose a serious risk to her unborn baby. Toxoplasmosis can be spread in several ways: Exposure to cats feces through touching your mouth and swallowing cat litter...

Toxoplasmosis Prevention

How to prevent toxoplamosis? Do not eat raw or undercooked meat, especially lamb or pork. Do not eat locally prepared cold cuts. After handling raw meat, wash your hands immediately with soap. Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth, or other body parts. When cooking, avoid tasting meat before it is fully cooked. Do not empty...

Chlamydia - Babies

Q: Can babies get infected? A: Symptoms of conjunctivitis or "pink eye," which include discharge and swollen eyelids, usually develop within the first 10 days of life. Symptoms of pneumonia, including congestion and a cough that gets steadily worse, most often develop within 3-6 weeks of birth. Doctors can treat both...

Chlamydia - Treatment

If you have chlamydial infection, take all of the prescribed medicine, even after symptoms disappear. If the symptoms do not disappear within one to two weeks after finishing the medicine, go to your doctor or clinic again. It is very important to tell your sex partners that you have chlamydial infection so that they can be...

Chlamydia - Diagnosis

A chlamydia infection is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. It is the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the U.S. Many women infected with chlamydia have no symptoms. If there are symptoms, chlamydial infection can be easily confused with gonorrhea because the symptoms of both diseases are similar and the...

Effects of Untreated Chlamydia Infection

Q: What are the effects of an untreated chlamydia infection? A: The infection may move inside the body if it is not treated. There, it can cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women and epidydimitis in men, two very serious illnesses. C. trachomatis can cause inflammation of the rectum and of the lining of the eye ("pink...

Tanning During Pregnancy

Q: Can I use a tanning bed during pregnancy? A: UVA does not penetrate far enough into the body to affect any tissues beyond the skin, where its main effect is tanning—or burning if the exposure is excessive. Even thin clothing will absorb the UVA, thereby preventing tanning. There have not been any studies, advisories, or...

The Lining Of My Uterus Is Thin: What Can I Do?

Q: What can be done about thin uterine lining? A: The endometrium, the lining of the uterus, is needed for implantation of the embryo. Lining problems are usually not a major cause of infertility. The uterine lining around ovulation should be at least 8-9 mm. There are several tests than can be done to find out what's going on...

Endometrium: How Thick Should My Uterine Lining Be?

Q: How thick should the uterine lining be? A: The lining of the inside of the uterus is also called 'endometrium.' This is where the embryo implants. A normal uterine lining is necessary in order to conceive and maintain a pregnancy. Two of the qualities of the endometrium or lining, are thickness and appearance. Most doctors...

Coverline - What Is It?

  Q: How do I determine my basal body temperature coverline? A: The reason for charting your temperature is to determine when and if you ovulated. Ovulation is associated with an increase in temperature -- a thermal shift -- revealing a typical biphasic curve. The coverline is a horizontal line drawn after...

Follistim Contraindications

Q: What are the contraindications to Follistim? A: According to the PDR (Physician's Desk Reference), the following are the contraindications for Follistim: Prior hypersensitivity A high SH level indicating ovarian failure Uncontrolled thyroid or adrenal function Tumor of the ovary, breast, uterus, hypothalamus, or pituitary...

Chicken Pox Exposure and Pregnancy

Q: I had chicken pox, and now I am pregnant. Does this mean I am immune?  A: If you are unsure whether you had chicken pox or not, then your doctor can do a blood test and check if you carry antibodies against chicken pox. A positive test for the antibodies against chicken pox confirms that you are immune. Read More:Can I Take...

Positive Pregnancy Test - No Symptoms

Q: I have no pregnancy symptoms but a positive pregnancy test. Is this normal?   A: You have probably heard that many women have these pregnancy symptoms early on in pregnancy, but you should also know that many women do not have any of these symptoms. In fact, many healthy babies are born to mothers who never really felt any...

Natural Family Planning (NFP)

Q: What is Natual Family Planning (NFP)? A: When avoiding pregnancy, abstaining from sexual relations during the fertile days may be helpful. When trying to conceive, having intercourse on the days of fertility may improve your chances. The egg can be fertilized for only 12-24 hours after ovulation. But the man's sperm can...

Ectopic Pregnancy - Risk Factors

Q: What are the risk factors for an ectopic pregnancy? A: Any condition which may have damaged the fallopian tubes increases a woman’s risk for an ectopic pregnancy. The single biggest risk is after pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) because it is an infection that can cause scarring of the uterus and the fallopian tubes. [...

Missed Period after Tubal Ligation: Ectopic?

Q: I am four days late but I had a tubal three years ago.   A: Whenever you have regular menstrual periods and you are late, there is a chance that you may be pregnant. A tubal ligation does not always work in preventing pregnancy. Depending on the type of tubal ligation, there is a one to three in 1,000 chance it doesn't work...

Ovulation-Induction Medications

The following is a list of ovulation induction medications and their uses: Clomiphene citrate (Serophene or Clomid) is a pill taken by mouth, usually for 5 days starting on cycle days 2-5. Clomiphene is a drug that fools the brain into thinking that estrogen levels are low. As a result, the brain releases more FSH to stimulate...

Recurrent Miscarriage Pregnancy Loss

Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL), habitual or recurrent abortions or miscarriages are diagnosed when three or more miscarriages occur in a row. About 5% of couples have two miscarriages in a row, and up to 2% have three miscarriages or RPL in a row. "Primary recurrent pregnancy loss" refers to couples that have never had a live...

Fertility and Blood Groups

Q: My partner and I have different blood groups. Does this affect fertility?  A: There is no known relationship between parents' blood group and their fertility. The three main reasons for infertility are sperm problems, ovulation problems, and fallopian tube problems. They have nothing to do with different blood types. 

Is it Normal for Semen to Leak Out of the Vagina?

Have other questions like this? Sign up for Obie and get personalized answers about your fertility without having to search. Is sperm leakage from the vagina normal after sex? Sperm or ejaculate leakage from the vagina after sex is normal and is expected. Sperm leakage can actually be a good thing because it means there is...

Not Enough Cervical Mucus

Q: Is this a problem to not have enough cervical mucus  when we TTC? A: One of the major concerns of women who TTC is that they don't have enough cervical mucus. However, cervical mucus is rarely a reason for infertility. In less than 5% of infertile couples there is a problem with the cervical mucus, while over 80% have a...

Does Hypothyroidism Cause Infertility

Q: Does a low thyroid level contribute to infertility? A: If your hypothyroidism is well treated and you ovulate regularly, chances are that it is not responsible for your problems with getting pregnant. Read More:Taking Thyroid Medication During PregnancyThyroid to Blame for Some Pregnancy ComplicationsThyroid Stimulating...

IVF Success Rates

How often does IVF result in pregnancy? Many couples seem to have misconceptions about the rates of success from a procedure like in-vitro fertilization, or IVF. Success rates depend on many factors including: Patient age Reasons for infertility Prior unsuccessful IVF procedures When is IVF considered a success? It is also...

IVF - Chances of Success

The chances of IVF success depens on your age, the reason for IVF, and the IVF clinic.  Chances of getting pregnant and having a baby with IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) depend mostly on the following factors: A woman's age The reason for doing IVF The place where the IVF will be done These statistics were published by the CDC...

Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test- CCCT

The Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test, or CCCT, is a fertility test to check your ovarian reserve, to see if your eggs are still good enough for fertiliization and implantation. The Clomiphene citrate challenge test CCCT is done as follows: Cycle Day 3: Check the FSH and E2 levels Cycle Day 5-9: Give clomiphene...

Elevation of FSH And Egg Quality

What does an elevated FSH signal? Cycle day 3 FSH is tested to check for 'ovarian reserve' — the quality of your eggs or 'good eggs' and 'bad eggs.' An elevated FSH could be a problem, because it may mean that the ovary doesn't respond well to FSH hormone stimulation. An elevated FSH may indicate diminished ovarian reserve. ...


Q: What effect does Viagra have on pregnancy? A: Viagra (sildenafil citrate) is the first oral pill approved by the FDA to treat impotence. Presently there are no known adverse effects of Viagra on getting pregnant or on pregnancy. In fact, one study showed a potentially positive effect. Read More:babyMed Pregnancy and...

Pregnancy Test After Miscarriage

Q: I had a miscarriage two weeks ago and my home pregnancy test is positive. Did I get pregnant again that fast? A: After a miscarriage, it can take many weeks for your body to clear the pregnancy hormone hCG. So it's normal for your urine pregnancy test to be positive for up to three weeks following a miscarriage. If you think...

Running and TTC

Q: Does running interfere with me getting pregnant? A: Many women who run excessively have a low body fat ratio and also have a low weight. Both of these may prevent them from ovulating regularly. If your weight is in the normal range and you are ovulating regularly, it's unlikely that your running is responsible for your...

Can Sperm Be Released Without Ejaculation?

Q: Can sperm be released without ejaculation? A: Shortly before the man has an orgasm and ejaculates, it is possible for him to release some fluid, which can contain sperm. This fluid is popularly known as 'pre cum' (not a scientific term).  The method of birth control where the man pulls his penis out shortly before he...
Q: What are the odds of pregnancy and having a baby in couples with unexplained infertility? A: The term unexplained infertility applies to couples with no [bmed_ad_r]obvious reason for infertility. The most commonly reported figures are between 10-20% of infertile couples. Unexplained infertility is diagnosed when standard...

Tracking Fertility: OPK vs. BBT

Q: Which is a better method of tracking fertility — an ovulation predictor kit (OPK) or basal body temperature (BBT) charting? A: An ovulation predictor kit changes color before you ovulate, based on a surge in your luteinizing hormone (LH), usually 1-2 days before ovulation. OPKs usually predict when you are about to ovulate....

Timed Intercourse

Q: How should we time sex? A: There is a problem with this approach. First, you can't always predict when you ovulate. There are no sure tests that will always tell you ahead of time when ovulation happens. Cervical mucus can't always predict it and even OPKs can't always predict it. If, for example, you test with an OPK once...

Ejaculate and Cervical Mucus

Q: Is it true that during ovulation it is easy to confuse residual semen and fertile cervical mucus? And how long after intercourse should it take for the residual semen to be gone? [bmed_ad_r] A: Ejaculate, but not sperm, may interfere with the cervical mucus consistency. Most of the ejaculate is usually absorbed from the...

The Best Lubricant When Getting Pregnant

Q: Which lubricants can we use when we TTC? A: The best and only lubricant (other than foreplay) that you can use when getting pregnant is Preseed. In December of 2002, a new vaginal moisturizer called Pre-Seed was introduced for sale. Pre-Seed is the first sperm-friendly moisturizer. Read More:10 Best Tips To Get Pregnant...

Why do I have no menstrual period (Amenorrhea) ?

Amenorrhea is when you have missed your regular menstrual period, your menstrual bleeding. If you previously had a menstrual period, then you have 'secondary amenorrhea,' and if you have never had a period, then it's called 'primary amenorrhea.'  If pregnancy is possible, then a pregnancy test should be done first. If the...

Sex before or on the day of EWCM?

The reason why it's suggested to make love regularly, two to three times per week, is not just to take the stress out of TTC (though in and of itself that doesn't sound like a bad idea). Making love two to three times per week, every week, will probably get you pregnant faster as you won't miss the day of ovulation. Egg-white...

Norplant Removal and TTC

After the removal of Norplant, your body needs to readjust to its own rhythm. So, it may take several months for regular ovulation and your normal periods to return. Your ovulation and your fertility will probably return even before your regular menstrual bleeding. So there is a chance you will get pregnant even before...

Early Pregnancy Bleeding

The medical term for spotting or abnormal vaginal bleeding when you are not pregnant is 'metrorrhagia'. Any time in pregnancy, vaginal bleeding or spotting can be concerning and it could mean an increased risk of miscarriage or early or preterm delivery. Causes of spotting or bleeding in pregnancy include the following:...

High-Risk Pregnancy - Maternal

Besides fetal and pregnancy-related causes there are also maternal causes for a high-risk pregnancy. The following are the maternal causes for high-risk pregnancy. Find out if you have a high-risk pregnancy HERE.[bmed_ad_r] High Blood Pressure Asthma Diabetes Collagen-vascular Diseases Sickle Cell Anemia Drug Abuse Kidney...
Q: Does ovulation pain (Mittelschmerz) come before or after ovulation? A: Mittelschmerz comes from distention of the ovary either shortly before, during, or after ovulation. Mittelschmerz can last minutes or even days. When you feel Mittelschmerz, it may mean that you are either about to ovulate or you ovulated already. Some...

Measles (Rubeola) Infection During Pregnancy

Measles (also known as Rubeola) is a viral disease that usually produces fever, cough, conjunctivitis ("pink eye," but not quite the same as the "pink eye" seen with colds and earaches), a red, bumpy rash, and a rash ("Koplik's spots") inside the cheeks. It can be complicated by secondary ear infections, diarrhea, croup, and...

Congenital Rubella

If a woman has rubella during pregnancy, the rubella virus can induce many different birth defects (known as 'Rubella Syndrome' or 'Congenital Rubella'), some of which are quite severe. Among the defects doctors have seen in congenital rubella are eye defects (cataracts, glaucoma, "microphthalmia" [small, non-functional eyes...

Robitussin and Fertility

Q: Does Robitussin help fertility? A: Cervical mucus problems are rarely the problem when a couple has difficulties getting pregnant. The three major causes of infertility are ovulation problems, sperm problems, and problems with the fallopian tubes. None of these problems can be solved by taking Robitussin. The major...

Herpes on the Lip

Q: I am 27 weeks pregnant and have a herpes lesion on my lip. Is that a problem? A: A herpes lesion on your lip is not a problem. The herpes virus is usually only transmitted at the time of delivery when herpes is shed and there is a herpes lesion in the vagina or the external genitalia. Read More:Dealing With A Sexually...

How Long Wait to See a Specialist

Q: When should we see an infertility specialist?   A: In general, if you are under the age of 35 you should try for 12 months before consulting a specialist, either your Ob-Gyn or an infertility specialist (RE=Reproductive Endocrinologist). If there are certain medical conditions, such as irregular menstrual cycles or a history...

Light Menstrual Periods

Q: After the pill my menstrual periods are light. What does this mean? A: It's normal for your periods on the pill to be different than your periods off the pill, because each occurs for different reasons. While you take the pill your periods come because you have stopped the hormones in the pill, and while off the pill your...

I Took Provera and Still Didn't Get My Period

Q: I have no period and did not bleed at all even after taking Provera. What does this mean? A: Provera is given as the 'Progesterone (Provera) Challenge Test' to women who have no period and who are not pregnant. In this test, 10 mg of Provera is often given over 7-10 days and bleeding is expected within 2 weeks after the last...

Late Menstrual Period - What Next?

Q: I am three days late with my period, what's next? A: This is probably the most frequent question we get from women who are trying to conceive (TTC.) If you are pregnant, then a home pregnancy test is usually positive two to three days after you miss your period or 15-16 days after ovulation. A negative pregnancy test means...

How long TTC to get Pregnant?

The four major factors affecting your chance of getting pregnant are: The mother's age. The older the woman is, the longer it takes to get pregnant. Regular ovulation. With irregular or no ovulation (anovulation), you cannot get pregnant. A normal sperm count. The less sperm he has, the longer it may take to get pregnant. With...

TTC after the IUD

Q: My IUD was removed 3 months ago, when can we TTC? A: The IUD acts locally on the uterus and the Fallopian tube preventing pregnancy. It does not have an effect on ovulation. After removal of the IUD you should be able to get pregnant similarly to before having had the IUD. However, in general there's only a 20-25% chance...

My Pregnancy Symptoms Disappeared

Q: At 10 weeks, my pregnancy symptoms disappeared. I'm no longer nauseous or even tired. In fact, I feel great, but I'm worried... is this normal? A: Most typical pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea or breast tenderness, relate directly to the pregnancy hormone hCG. This hormone increases during the first months of your...

Progesterone - Low levels

Q: I am concerned about my low progesterone levels.   A: At 7 weeks of pregnancy your best indication that the fetus is doing well is to check the fetal heartbeat. Checking the progesterone level can be confusing because it's difficult to assess whether a low progesterone level means the pregnancy is already abnormal to begin...

Can I Use Nail Polish While Pregnant?

Manicures and pedicures during pregnancy There have been no reported incidents of any adverse effects on the outcome of a healthy pregnancy due to manicures or pedicures. But according to a recent report from the FDA, research indicates that chemicals in nail polish, nail polish removers, and the like, namely methyl...

Ovulation Detection - Best Time of Day

Q: Which time of day is best to test? A: It's generally suggested that you do not use your first morning urine. Instead, you should collect your urine after your first morning urine, maybe between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. You should try to collect the urine about the same time each day. About 2 hours before collecting your urine,...


Q: I am 12 weeks pregnant, can I continue to jog? A: You should discuss with your doctor whether it's a good idea to continue jogging during pregnany, especially if you have any of these problems or other concerns: medical conditions including heart or lung diseases, blood conditions, thyroid problems, previous pregnancy...
It is suggested that women who have the potential of getting pregnant take a supplement of 400-800 mcg of folic acid a day to prevent birth defects of the brain and spinal cord, called neural tube defects (NTDs). Studies also suggest that folic acid may help prevent some other birth defects as well, it may also prevent autism...

BBT Temperature Curve: Sign Of Implantation?

Implantation occurs on average, 9 days after ovulation, with a normal range being 6-12 days. Some people have suggested that there are some BBT temperature charts which may show signs of implantation, such as a triphasic BBT curve (a rise to a third level of temperatures) or an "implantation dip" (a one-day decrease in...

Cervical Position - How-To

Q: How do I check my cervical position? A: These changes are sometimes used to double-check observations made through checking BBT and cervical fluid. You can feel your cervix by gently inserting one or two fingers into the vagina and palpating the cervix at the end of the vagina. [bmed_ad]Prior to and after ovulation, the...

Fertility Charting - BBT Charting

   BBT or fertility charting is done to check a woman's fertility. It usually involves three Steps: 1. Taking your basal body temperature every day 2. Checking your cervical mucus 3. Checking the position of your cervix. Fertility or basal body temperature charting is done for several reasons: To see when and if you ovulate To...

Fertility Charting - Who Uses It?

Q: Who uses fertility charting?   A: Many women use fertility charting because they are having difficulty conceiving. Many people simply wish to understand their unique pattern and become more aware of their natural fertility cycle, while others find that fertility awareness is an acceptable mode of family planning and...

Fertility Awareness and Charting

Q: What is Natural Fertility Planning (NFP)   A: Fertility awareness and charting is part of 'Natural Family Planning' (NFP) and uses a woman's natural fertility signs to identify when she may or may not be fertile. You can learn quickly how to identify your fertile and infertile phases by charting these three primary fertility...

Irregular Cycles and TTC

Q: My last menstrual cycles lasted 26 and 30 days. When is my fertile period and when should we TTC? A: Research has suggested that if you want to improve your chances of getting pregnant, you should make love two to three times a week, every week. Even with regular cycles, ovulation can occur at any time, and if you wait for...

Ovulation Problems Besides Not Ovulating

Q: What could go wrong besides not ovulating? A: There are several things that can be wrong with your ovary and therefore contribute to infertility: Inadequate luteal phase. Inadequate follicle growth patterns. Luteinized unruptured follicle (LUF) syndrome. Diminished Ovarian Reserve.  Premature luteinization. [bmed_ad_r]

What Is LUF Syndrome?

Q: What is 'LUF' syndrome? A: 'LUF' is an abbreviation for the 'Luteinized Unruptured Follicle' syndrome. Usually, within 38 hours of the urinary LH surge, the follicle ruptures and releases the egg. Sometimes, because of abnormal follicular development or pelvic adhesions, there is failure of the ovary to actually release the...


Q: Do lubricants decrease the chance of conception when TTC?  A: There are several studies showing that most lubricants decrease the sperm count. It's unknown if they play any role in sex selection. The only lubricant shown to not decrease the sperm count is Preseed. Read More:babyMed Pregnancy and Fertility GuidesReal Body...

Progesterone Levels - Routine

Q: Should I have my progesterone level checked?   A: Normally rising hCG levels are your best indication that the pregnancy is progressing well. Your progesterone level is not likely to provide more information. Progesterone levels are not routinely checked in early pregnancy, and some doctors only do them in certain cases of...

hCG not doubling

My hCG is not doubling, what's wrong [bmed_ad_r] A: In most healthy pregnancies, before the hCG reaches a level of 6,000, the hCG usually doubles during the first weeks. However, this is not always true and there are normal pregnancies in which the hCG increases more slowly. If the hCG increases at a slower rate, this may also...

Pregnant: Can I Clean Our Birdcage?

Q: Can I clean our birdcage? A: In general, you do not have to worry about cleaning a birdcage of a bird that you have had for a while, that you bought in a reputable pet store, and that looks healthy. However, taking some precautions may help you decrease risk: Always wash your hands before and after you clean the cage and...

Ejaculate - Abnormal Appearance

Q: My boyfriend's ejaculate looks funny. What does that mean? A: Just by looking at it, smelling it, feeling it, or tasting it, the average person can't really assess whether the ejaculate is fertile or not. The best way to examine the quality of the ejaculate is by examining it in a laboratory -- doing a spermanalysis. The...
